EntretiensÉtudiante ÉSIS: Karmel GervaisPour notre dernière entrevue de l’année scolaire, veuillez accueillir Karmel Gervais, avec un aperçu de première main de l’expérience du...
EntretiensÉSIS Student: Paméla BertrandThis February we are joined by Paméla Bertrand – bookworm, crochetier, and future information professional. Over to you, Paméla! …...
EntretiensÉSIS Student: Michel DeilgatFor our January student interview, I am pleased to welcome Michel, one of the most dedicated polymaths I have ever met. Thank you,...
EntretiensÉSIS Student: Cesar Becerril EdwardsBeginning this December, we are excited to host a series of interviews with ÉSIS students. Follow along to learn more about your...